
Buildings with self-cleaning concrete:

TX Millennium, Italcementi Group, photocatalystic technology, self-cleaning concrete, Richard Meier Jubilee Church, Rome, (Vegas hotel guest room treated, 30% less odors, used in Japan too), titanium dioxide, HPLV sprayer btw .3-.8 mm producing a fine mist evenly on the surface, semiconductor activated by energy light separates electrons, casuing chemical reductions and oxidations that decompose organic compounds, can buy photocatalystic antibacterial deodorant pantyhose in Japan, (will this cause build up of materials in environment)

Marunouchi Building in downtown Tokyo, are covered with photocatalytic tiles to reduce discoloring from pollution
In a test in 2003, the company coated 75,000 square feet (6,750 square meters) of road surface on the outskirts of Milan with photocatalytic cement. It found nitrogen oxide levels were reduced by up to 60 percent, depending on weather conditions
Cost is another issue. Galimberti said Italcementi's products are 30 percent to 40 percent more expensive than regular concrete, and using the external air quality as a selling point doesn't necessarily appeal to builders with tight budgets. The company's sales pitch is that self-cleaning materials will save money in the long run


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